
core studies : resurrection of the dead

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim 2:15

Resurrection of the Dead

The resurrection of the dead is the raising to life again of someone who is deceased. Jesus is the resurrection and the life to all that believe in him (John 11:24-45). This hope of raising from the dead is the core of Christianity (1 Corinthians 15:12-20). This hope of eternal life is the reason we all desire to live in holiness (Luke 20:34-38, 2 Corinthians 7:1).

The soul (created in the image of God) will live forever somewhere. It is up to each individual to choose the lifestyle that will ultimately decide where he will spend eternity. There are two places that we can go after Christ’s return: heaven or the lake of fire (John 5:25-29, Daniel 12:1-4, Revelations 20:6,11-15, Revelations 21:8). There is an order to what will happen when Christ returns for the saints (this is the first resurrection):
1) The dead in Christ shall rise first
2) Those that remain alive will meet Him with those that died already (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17).
3) There will be a "thousand year reign" of these saints with Christ (Revelations 20:4-6).
4) Then the second death of the sinners (those not in the first resurrection) will follow (Revelations 20:6&11-13, Revelations 21:8). They will stand before God and be judged according to their works. Then they will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelations 20:14-15).

There is a place of rest, and a place of torment for those awaiting their final reward or damnation, respectively (Luke 16:20-31, 1 Corinthians 15:18-23&35-44&53-55). The timing of this coming final judgment is at a day unknown to any man (Matthew 24:3-8&29-31&34-44). In the final judgment day, the Christians will appear before the Lord dressed in the righteousness of God (Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 13:37-42, Matthew 22:1-13, Galatians 3:27). It should also be noted that Christians shall not stand with the wicked before the "great throne judgment." They are waiting in a place of comfort and rest for the reward (Luke 16:20-31) while considered to be on His right hand. The way we apply the resurrection of Christ to our lives is by our obedience to the commandment of water baptism in His name (Romans 6:3-5, Romans 8:11).

Because man and woman were originally created with a soul in the image of God, we know that we will live forever as he does (Genesis 1:26-27, Ecclesiastes 12:7). After we pass from this carnal life and body, we will take on a spiritual life and body that will never die (John 11:26, John 6:48-51). Both in heaven and in the lake of fire, there will be no end of the soul’s existence because we are in God’s image (Revelations 14:9-13). Those in the lake of fire will seek to put an end to their suffering, but will not be able to find it (Mark 9:43-48).

When the righteous get to the heavenly city, they will have a body that can spiritually walk, talk, taste, and worship forever without any of Satan’s distractions that appealed to the flesh that used to be (Revelations 7:9-17, Revelations 21:3-6&16-27). We will have a glorious body like the Lord’s (1 John 3:1-3).

The power of the resurrection of Christ abides within a person when they get baptized in Jesus Name (Romans 6:5). When a person comes out of the water in the likeness of Christ’s resurrection, they have the power of God that raised Christ from the dead applied to their life (Romans 8:11). It is the hope of us all to be a partaker of the first resurrection (John 15:4-6, Philippians 3:8-11, Psalms 24:3-5, Matthew 5:8, 1 Timothy 1:5-7, 2 Timothy 2:22, James 1:27,
1 John 3:1, Philippians 3:8-14)

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